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Highway Department

Highway Department
200 North Bennington Road
Bennington, NH 03442

Road Agent: DJ Wing Jr.
[email protected]

The Town of Bennington consists of 19 miles of local roads.

In addition to year ‘round maintenance of our local roads, the Highway Department is responsible for the repair and/or replacement of street signs, roadside mowing, water digs in conjunction with the Water Department, assist the Transfer Station attendants, reviews and approves all driveway permit applications on Town roads, and works with the Cemetery Trustees and Hillsborough County Department of Corrections workers in the spring and fall to clean the cemeteries.

Our Highway Department believes that by working with you, our customers, we can continue to maintain the Town of Bennington to the best of our ability. We need your help to identify deficiencies within the Town. Please contact the Highway Department if you see concerns of the following nature:

  • Potholes
  • Low hanging tree limbs
  • Fallen trees or limbs in the Town’s right-of-way
  • Sidewalk issues

Plowing – In the winter months, our Highway Department is usually very busy at all hours of the day and night plowing and/or sanding roads during snow and ice storms. Please try to remember that there are scheduled plow routes to follow, and depending on the specifics of each storm, it can sometimes take longer to reach certain areas.

*** Winter Parking Ban ***

Effective November 1st through May 1st, no vehicle shall be parked on any street in the Town of Bennington from 11:00 pm to 7:00 am, nor parked on any street in such a manner as to impede snow removal.  No person shall stop or cause to be stopped or park a vehicle in a manner which interferes with any snow removal operation regardless of date and time.  Vehicles found to be in violation of the Winter Parking Ban or Parking Ordinance may receive a summons and/or may be towed by the Bennington Police Department (at the owner’s expense).