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Town of Bennington, NH


Welcome to the Town of Bennington’s official website!
We will provide you with the information you need on our community, it’s services, departments and their hours of operation. You’ll also find all the information you need to communicate with the town official that can best answer your questions.

CV Notice of Public Hearing(s) related to the Petitioned Warrant Article which seeks to adopt a School District Budget Cap.
For more information and dates of meetings read about it here

Town of Bennington
Vacancies for Town Offices



Selectmen have approved the tax rate.

The new rate, after new assessments is $22.47 – Municipal $7.14; County .87; Local Education $13.40; State Education $1.06

The 2023 tax rate was $32.15 – Municipal $10.63; County $1.24; Local Education $18.31; State Education $1.97

The old rate with old assessed values would have been $36.72 – Municipal $11.89; County $1.45; Local Education $22.32; State Education $1.06

If you notice an increase in your assessment, that is direct result of the revaluation and the current housing market.

School Board Votes Not To Move Forward With CTE/High School Bond

** A Friendly Reminder…. **
If you haven’t updated your water meter, please do it ASAP.
Your bill will be estimated and continue to increase until you get your meter changed.
Call Matt Miller at 603-588-2433 or [email protected] to arrange for the meter switch.
Thanking you in advance.
Bennington Water Commission

Request from your Bennington Cemetery Trustees.
In 2020 the Cemetery Trustees changed how they keep their records. The Cemetery Trustees are looking to make copies of cemetery deeds for lots held at the two Town Cemeteries located in Bennington. Sunnyside at the center of town and Evergreen on Old Stagecoach Road. Again, Only for lots purchased prior to 2020. This request is being made so that the Cemetery Trustees can update their records according to our policies and procedures. The Trustees are asking that you bring or mail a copy of your Deed to the Bennington Town Hall. Any questions can be addressed to any of the Cemetery Trustees.
Respectfully, Robert Christian, Chairman Karen Belcher

The Town of Bennington is moving forward on a Community Power plan. Community Power is a program approved by the State Legislature that allows towns to buy power at rates that are lower than utilities’ rates. The Town thus becomes the power supplier for residents and businesses. The purpose of this program is to lower energy costs in the town of Bennington. The plan will need Town Meeting approval. Once it is approved, we will be able to bring the energy to all residents and businesses that choose to participate, at a competitive price. We ask that you complete this survey, so we know what residents are most interested in. Members of the Community Power Committee will be at the Transfer Station handing out the survey, or you can obtain them at the Town Office and at local businesses. You can also take the survey on line by scanning the QR code on the attached flyer or by going to We appreciate your help with this becoming a successful program for all Bennington residents and businesses.

Bennington Community Power Committee.

Bennington Community Power survey flier
Bennington Community Power Plan